IO1_Forecasting the Impact of 3D printing technology.pdf
IO1_Previsione dell'impatto della Tecnologia di stampa 3D.pdf
IO2_Methodology and guidelines for the introduction of 3D printers as a tool in teaching experimentations in secondary schools.pdf
IO3_Pupil-Led educational experimentations with Project Work approach.pdf
IO3_Sperimentazioni didattiche guidate dagli alunni in logica di project work.pdf
IO4_Sperimentazioni didattiche guidate dai docenti per lo sviluppo di competenze di literacy matematica.pdf
IO4_Teacher-led didactic experimentations for development of mathematical literacy competences - Copia.pdf
IO5_Sperimentazioni didattiche guidate dai docenti per lo sviluppo di competenze di literacy scientifica.pdf
IO5_Teacher-led didactic experimentations for development of scientific literacy competences.pdf