Our school is a State upper secondary education that offers Technical Education and Liceo.
Our school is a community including more than 1100 students, teachers and technical professionals, staff and administration.

We have more than 250 partnerships with companies and associations to ensure every student thrives and to support student success in alignment with the school priorities.
The overall length of studies at upper secondary level is 5 years (from 14 to 19 years of age).
Liceo offers the option of applied sciences. The science-based liceo offers a new option in the biomedical field.

Technology-based courses are organised in a variety of branches of studies:
Mechanics, Transport&Logistics, Electronics (IOT- Robotics), Automation (CoBot), Chemistry&Biotechnology, Fashion design, Buildings&Constructions.
We have labs equipped with advanced technologies and to become more competitive we have put together networks with many companies in our area. 
Cooperation and innovation are key words to enter the challenges of the new working markets, so our students are having their internship and placement working experiences within these companies.

We are Cambridge Centre of English and we also certify ICDL: every year we release 50 English language as well as 50 digital skills certificates.